buPROPion HCl 300 MG 24HR Extended Release Oral Tablet

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Clinical Worsening and Suicide Risk in Treating Psychiatric Disorders: Patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), both adult and pediatric, may experience worsening of their depression and/or the emergence of suicidal ideation and behavior (suicidality) or unusual changes in behavior, whether or not they are taking antidepressant medications, and this risk may persist until significant remission occurs. Suicide is a known risk of depression and certain other psychiatric disorders, and these disorders themselves are the strongest predictors of suicide. There has been a long-standing concern, however, that antidepressants may have a role in inducing worsening of depression and the emergence of suicidality in certain patients during the early phases of treatment. Pooled analyses of short-term placebo-controlled trials of antidepressant drugs (SSRIs and others) showed that these drugs increase the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior (suicidality) in children, adolescents, and young adults (ages 18-24) with major depressive disorder (MDD) and other psychiatric disorders. Short-term studies did not show an increase in the risk of suicidality with antidepressants compared to placebo in adults beyond age 24; there was a reduction with antidepressants compared to placebo in adults aged 65 and older. The pooled analyses of placebo-controlled trials in children and adolescents with MDD, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), or other psychiatric disorders included a total of 24 short-term trials of 9 antidepressant drugs in over 4,400 patients. The pooled analyses of placebo-controlled trials in adults with MDD or other psychiatric disorders included a total of 295 short-term trials (median duration of 2 months) of 11 antidepressant drugs in over 77,000 patients. There was considerable variation in risk of suicidality among drugs, but a tendency toward an increase in the younger patients for almost all drugs studied. There were differences in absolute risk of suicidality across the different indications, with the highest incidence in MDD. The risk differences (drug vs placebo), however, were relatively stable within age strata and across indications. These risk differences (drug-placebo difference in the number of cases of suicidality per 1,000 patients treated) are provided in Table 1. Table 1. Age Range Drug-Placebo Difference in Number of Cases of Suicidality per 1000 Patients Treated Increases Compared to Placebo 65 6 fewer cases No suicides occurred in any of the pediatric trials. There were suicides in the adult trials, but the number was not sufficient to reach any conclusion about drug effect on suicide. It is unknown whether the suicidality risk extends to longer-term use, i.e., beyond several months. However, there is substantial evidence from placebo-controlled maintenance trials in adults with depression that the use of antidepressants can delay the recurrence of depression. All patients being treated with antidepressants for any indication should be monitored appropriately and observed closely for clinical worsening, suicidality, and unusual changes in behavior, especially during the initial few months of a course of drug therapy, or at times of dose changes, either increases or decreases. The following symptoms, anxiety, agitation, panic attacks, insomnia, irritability, hostility, aggressiveness, impulsivity, akathisia (psychomotor restlessness), hypomania, and mania, have been reported in adult and pediatric patients being treated with antidepressants for major depressive disorder as well as for other indications, both psychiatric and nonpsychiatric. Although a causal link between the emergence of such symptoms and either the worsening of depression and/or the emergence of suicidal impulses has not been established, there is concern that such symptoms may represent precursors to emerging suicidality. Consideration should be given to changing the therapeutic regimen, including possibly discontinuing the medication, in patients whose depression is persistently worse, or who are experiencing emergent suicidality or symptoms that might be precursors to worsening depression or suicidality, especially if these symptoms are severe, abrupt in onset, or were not part of the patient’s presenting symptoms. Families and caregivers of patients being treated with antidepressants for major depressive disorder or other indications, both psychiatric and nonpsychiatric, should be alerted about the need to monitor patients for the emergence of agitation, irritability, unusual changes in behavior, and the other symptoms described above, as well as the emergence of suicidality, and to report such symptoms immediately to healthcare providers. Such monitoring should include daily observation by families and caregivers. Prescriptions for bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) should be written for the smallest quantity of tablets consistent with good patient management, in order to reduce the risk of overdose. Neuropsychiatric Symptoms and Suicide Risk in Smoking Cessation Treatment: WELLBUTRIN® (bupropion hydrochloride tables), WELLBUTRIN SR® (bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets), and Bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) are not approved for smoking cessation treatment, but bupropion under the name ZYBAN® is approved for this use. Serious neuropsychiatric symptoms have been reported in patients taking bupropion for smoking cessation (see BOXED WARNING , ADVERSE REACTIONS ). These have included changes in mood (including depression and mania), psychosis, hallucinations, paranoia, delusions, homicidal ideation, hostility, agitation, aggression, anxiety, and panic, as well as suicidal ideation, suicide attempt, and completed suicide. Some reported cases may have been complicated by the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal in patients who stopped smoking. Depressed mood may be a symptom of nicotine withdrawal. Depression, rarely including suicidal ideation, has been reported in smokers undergoing a smoking cessation attempt without medication. However, some of these symptoms have occurred in patients taking bupropion who continued to smoke. When symptoms were reported, most were during bupropion treatment, but some were following discontinuation of bupropion therapy. These events have occurred in patients with and without pre-existing psychiatric disease; some have experienced worsening of their psychiatric illnesses. All patients being treated with bupropion as part of smoking cessation treatment should be observed for neuropsychiatric symptoms or worsening of pre-existing psychiatric illness. Patients with serious psychiatric illness such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder did not participate in the pre-marketing studies of ZYBAN®. Advise patients and caregivers that the patient using bupropion for smoking cessation should contact a healthcare provider immediately if agitation, depressed mood, or changes in behavior or thinking that are not typical for the patient are observed, or if the patient develops suicidal ideation or suicidal behavior. In many post-marketing cases, resolution of symptoms after discontinuation of ZYBAN ® was reported, although in some cases the symptoms persisted, therefore, ongoing monitoring and supportive care should be provided until symptoms resolve. The risks of using bupropion for smoking cessation should be weighed against the benefits of its use. ZYBAN® has been demonstrated to increase the likelihood of abstinence from smoking for as long as six months compared to treatment with placebo. The health benefits of quitting smoking are immediate and substantial. Screening Patients for Bipolar Disorder: A major depressive episode may be the initial presentation of bipolar disorder. It is generally believed (though not established in controlled trials) that treating such an episode with an antidepressant alone may increase the likelihood of precipitation of a mixed/manic episode in patients at risk for bipolar disorder. Whether any of the symptoms described above represent such a conversion is unknown. However, prior to initiating treatment with an antidepressant, patients with depressive symptoms should be adequately screened to determine if they are at risk for bipolar disorder; such screening should include a detailed psychiatric history, including a family history of suicide, bipolar disorder, and depression. It should be noted that bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) are not approved for use in treating bipolar depression. Bupropion-Containing Products: Patients should be made aware that bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) contain the same active ingredient found in ZYBAN ® , used as an aid to smoking cessation treatment, and that bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) should not be used in combination with ZYBAN ® , or any other medications that contain bupropion, such as WELLBUTRIN SR ® (bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (SR)), the sustained-release formulation or WELLBUTRIN ® (bupropion hydrochloride tablets), the immediate-release formulation. Seizures: Bupropion is associated with a dose-related risk of seizures. The risk of seizures is also related to patient factors, clinical situations, and concomitant medications, which must be considered in selection of patients for therapy with bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL). Bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) should be discontinued and not restarted in patients who experience a seizure while on treatment. As bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) are bioequivalent to both the immediate-release formulation of bupropion and to the sustained-release formulation of bupropion, the seizure incidence with bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL), while not formally evaluated in clinical trials, may be similar to that presented below for the immediate-release and sustained-release formulations of bupropion. Dose: At doses up to 300 mg/day of the sustained-release formulation of bupropion, the incidence of seizure is approximately 0.1% (1/1,000). Data for the immediate-release formulation of bupropion revealed a seizure incidence of approximately 0.4% (i.e., 13 of 3,200 patients followed prospectively) in patients treated at doses in a range of 300 to 450 mg/day. This seizure incidence (0.4%) may exceed that of some other marketed antidepressants. Additional data accumulated for the immediate-release formulation of bupropion suggested that the estimated seizure incidence increases almost tenfold between 450 and 600 mg/day. The 600 mg dose is twice the usual adult dose and one and one-third the maximum recommended daily dose (450 mg) of bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL). This disproportionate increase in seizure incidence with dose incrementation calls for caution in dosing. Patient factors: Predisposing factors that may increase the risk of seizure with bupropion use include history of head trauma or prior seizure, central nervous system (CNS) tumor, the presence of severe hepatic cirrhosis, and concomitant medications that lower seizure threshold. Clinical situations: Circumstances associated with an increased seizure risk include, among others, excessive use of alcohol or sedatives (including benzodiazepines); addiction to opiates, cocaine, or stimulants; use of over-the-counter stimulants and anorectics; and diabetes treated with oral hypoglycemics or insulin. Concomitant medications: Many medications (e.g., antipsychotics, antidepressants, theophylline, systemic steroids) are known to lower seizure threshold. Recommendations for Reducing the Risk of Seizure: Retrospective analysis of clinical experience gained during the development of bupropion suggests that the risk of seizure may be minimized if the total daily dose of bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) does not exceed 450 mg, the rate of incrementation of dose is gradual. Bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) should be administered with extreme caution to patients with a history of seizure, cranial trauma, or other predisposition(s) toward seizure, or patients treated with other agents (e.g., antipsychotics, other antidepressants, theophylline, systemic steroids, etc.) that lower seizure threshold. Hepatic Impairment: Bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) should be used with extreme caution in patients with severe hepatic cirrhosis. In these patients a reduced frequency and/or dose is required, as peak bupropion, as well as AUC, levels are substantially increased and accumulation is likely to occur in such patients to a greater extent than usual. The dose should not exceed 150 mg every other day in these patients (see CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY , PRECAUTIONS , and DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION ). Potential for Hepatotoxicity: In rats receiving large doses of bupropion chronically, there was an increase in incidence of hepatic hyperplastic nodules and hepatocellular hypertrophy. In dogs receiving large doses of bupropion chronically, various histologic changes were seen in the liver, and laboratory tests suggesting mild hepatocellular injury were noted.


Drug Interactions: Few systemic data have been collected on the metabolism of bupropion following concomitant administration with other drugs or, alternatively, the effect of concomitant administration of bupropion on the metabolism of other drugs. Because bupropion is extensively metabolized, the coadministration of other drugs may affect its clinical activity. In vitro studies indicate that bupropion is primarily metabolized to hydroxybupropion by the CYP2B6 isoenzyme. Therefore, the potential exists for a drug interaction between bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) and drugs that are substrates of or inhibitors/inducers of the CYP2B6 isoenzyme (e.g., orphenadrine, thiotepa, cyclophosphamide, ticlopidine, and clopidogrel). In addition, in vitro studies suggest that paroxetine, sertraline, norfluoxetine, and fluvoxamine as well as nelfinavir and efavirenz inhibit the hydroxylation of bupropion. No clinical studies have been performed to evaluate this finding. The threohydrobupropion metabolite of bupropion does not appear to be produced by the cytochrome P450 isoenzymes. The effects of concomitant administration of cimetidine on the pharmacokinetics of bupropion and its active metabolites were studied in 24 healthy young male volunteers. Following oral administration of two 150-mg tablets of the sustained-release formulation of bupropion with and without 800 mg of cimetidine, the pharmacokinetics of bupropion and hydroxybupropion were unaffected. However, there were 16% and 32% increases in the AUC and Cmax, respectively, of the combined moieties of threohydrobupropion and erythrohydrobupropion. In a series of studies in healthy volunteers, ritonavir (100 mg twice daily or 600 mg twice daily) or ritonavir 100 mg plus lopinavir (KALETRA) 400 mg twice daily reduced the exposure of bupropion and its major metabolites in a dose dependent manner by approximately 20% to 80%. Similarly, efavirenz 600mg once daily for 2 weeks reduced the exposure of bupropion by approximately 55%. This effect of ritonavir, KALETRA, and efavirenz is thought to be due to the induction of bupropion metabolism. Patients receiving any of these drugs with bupropion may need increased doses of bupropion, but the maximum recommended dose of bupropion should not be exceeded (see CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY: Metabolism ). While not systematically studied, certain drugs may induce the metabolism of bupropion (e.g., carbamazepine, phenobarbital, phenytoin). Multiple oral doses of bupropion had no statistically significant effects on the single dose pharmacokinetics of lamotrigine in 12 healthy volunteers. Animal data indicated that bupropion may be an inducer of drug-metabolizing enzymes in humans. In one study, following chronic administration of bupropion, 100 mg 3 times daily to 8 healthy male volunteers for 14 days, there was no evidence of induction of its own metabolism. Nevertheless, there may be the potential for clinically important alterations of blood levels of coadministered drugs. Drugs Metabolized By Cytochrome P450IID6 (CYP2D6): Many drugs, including most antidepressants (SSRIs, many tricyclics), beta-blockers, antiarrhythmics, and antipsychotics are metabolized by the CYP2D6 isoenzyme. Although bupropion is not metabolized by this isoenzyme, bupropion and hydroxybupropion are inhibitors of CYP2D6 isoenzyme in vitro. In a study of 15 male subjects (ages 19 to 35 years) who were extensive metabolizers of the CYP2D6 isoenzyme, daily doses of bupropion given as 150 mg twice daily followed by a single dose of 50 mg desipramine increased the Cmax, AUC, and t1/2 of desipramine by an average of approximately 2-, 5-, and 2-fold, respectively. The effect was present for at least 7 days after the last dose of bupropion. Concomitant use of bupropion with other drugs metabolized by CYP2D6 has not been formally studied. Therefore, coadministration of bupropion with drugs that are metabolized by CYP2D6 isoenzyme including certain antidepressants (e.g., nortriptyline, imipramine, desipramine, paroxetine, fluoxetine, sertraline), antipsychotics (e.g., haloperidol, risperidone, thioridazine), beta-blockers (e.g., metoprolol), and Type 1C antiarrhythmics (e.g., propafenone, flecainide), should be approached with caution and should be initiated at the lower end of the dose range of the concomitant medication. If bupropion is added to the treatment regimen of a patient already receiving a drug metabolized by CYP2D6, the need to decrease the dose of the original medication should be considered, particularly for those concomitant medications with a narrow therapeutic index. Drugs which require metabolic activation by CYP2D6 in order to be effective (e.g., tamoxifen) theoretically could have reduced efficacy when administered concomitantly with inhibitors of CYP2D6 such as bupropion. Although citalopram is not primarily metabolized by CYP2D6, in one study bupropion increased the Cmax and AUC of citalopram by 30% and 40%, respectively. Citalopram did not affect the pharmacokinetics of bupropion and its three metabolites. MAO Inhibitors: Studies in animals demonstrate that the acute toxicity of bupropion is enhanced by the MAO inhibitor phenelzine (see CONTRAINDICATIONS ). Levodopa and Amantadine: Limited clinical data suggest a higher incidence of adverse experiences in patients receiving bupropion concurrently with either levodopa or amantadine. Administration of bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) to patients receiving either levodopa or amantadine concurrently should be undertaken with caution, using small initial doses and gradual dose increases. Drugs That Lower Seizure Threshold: Concurrent administration of bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) and agents (e.g., antipsychotics, other antidepressants, theophylline, systemic steroids, etc.) that lower seizure threshold should be undertaken only with extreme caution (see WARNINGS ). Low initial dosing and gradual dose increases should be employed. Nicotine Transdermal System: (see PRECAUTIONS: Cardiovascular Effects ). Alcohol: In postmarketing experience, there have been rare reports of adverse neuropsychiatric events or reduced alcohol tolerance in patients who were drinking alcohol during treatment with bupropion. The consumption of alcohol during treatment with bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) should be minimized or avoided (also see CONTRAINDICATIONS ). Drug-Laboratory Test Interactions: False-positive urine immunoassay screening tests for amphetamines have been reported in patients taking bupropion. This is due to lack of specificity of some screening tests. False-positive test results may result even following discontinuation of bupropion therapy. Confirmatory tests, such as gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, will distinguish bupropion from amphetamines.


Human Overdose Experience: Overdoses of up to 30 g or more of bupropion have been reported. Seizure was reported in approximately one third of all cases. Other serious reactions reported with overdoses of bupropion alone included hallucinations, loss of consciousness, sinus tachycardia, and ECG changes such as conduction disturbances (including QRS prolongation) or arrhythmias. Fever, muscle rigidity, rhabdomyolysis, hypotension, stupor, coma, and respiratory failure have been reported mainly when bupropion was part of multiple drug overdoses. Although most patients recovered without sequelae, deaths associated with overdoses of bupropion alone have been reported in patients ingesting large doses of the drug. Multiple uncontrolled seizures, bradycardia, cardiac failure, and cardiac arrest prior to death were reported in these patients. Overdosage Management: Ensure an adequate airway, oxygenation, and ventilation. Monitor cardiac rhythm and vital signs. EEG monitoring is also recommended for the first 48 hours post-ingestion. General supportive and symptomatic measures are also recommended. Induction of emesis is not recommended. Activated charcoal should be administered. There is no experience with the use of forced diuresis, dialysis, hemoperfusion, or exchange transfusion in the management of bupropion overdoses. No specific antidotes for bupropion are known. Due to the dose-related risk of seizures with bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL), hospitalization following suspected overdose should be considered. Based on studies in animals, it is recommended that seizures be treated with intravenous benzodiazepine administration and other supportive measures, as appropriate. In managing overdosage, consider the possibility of multiple drug involvement. The physician should consider contacting a poison control center for additional information on the treatment of any overdose. Telephone numbers for certified poison control centers are listed in the Physicians’ Desk Reference (PDR).


Bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL), an antidepressant of the aminoketone class, are chemically unrelated to tricyclic, tetracyclic, selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor, or other known antidepressant agents. Its structure closely resembles that of diethylpropion; it is related to phenylethylamines. It is designated as (±)-1-(3-chlorophenyl)-2-[(1,1-dimethylethyl)amino]-1-propanone hydrochloride. The molecular weight is 276.2. The molecular formula is C13H18ClNO•HCl. Bupropion hydrochloride powder is white, crystalline, and highly soluble in water. It has a bitter taste and produces the sensation of local anesthesia on the oral mucosa. The structural formula is: Bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) are supplied for oral administration as 150-mg and 300-mg, round white to off-white extended-release tablets. Each tablet contains the labeled amount of bupropion hydrochloride and the inactive ingredients: dehydrated alcohol, ethylcellulose, hydrochloric acid, hydroxypropylcellulose, methacrylic acid copolymer, povidone, silicon dioxide, hydrogenated vegetable oil and ethyl alcohol. The tablets are printed with edible black ink. The insoluble shell of the extended-release tablet may remain intact during gastrointestinal transit and is eliminated in the feces. USP drug release testing is pending.


CLINICAL TRIALS Major Depressive Disorder: The efficacy of bupropion as a treatment for major depressive disorder was established with the immediate-release formulation of bupropion in two 4-week, placebo-controlled trials in adult inpatients and in one 6-week, placebo-controlled trial in adult outpatients. In the first study, patients were titrated in a bupropion dose range of 300 to 600 mg/day of the immediate-release formulation on a 3 times daily schedule; 78% of patients received maximum doses of 450 mg/day or less. This trial demonstrated the effectiveness of bupropion on the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) total score, the depressed mood item (item 1) from that scale, and the Clinical Global Impressions (CGI) severity score. A second study included 2 fixed doses of the immediate-release formulation of bupropion (300 and 450 mg/day) and placebo. This trial demonstrated the effectiveness of bupropion, but only at the 450-mg/day dose of the immediate-release formulation; the results were positive for the HDRS total score and the CGI severity score, but not for HDRS item 1. In the third study, outpatients received 300 mg/day of the immediate-release formulation of bupropion. This study demonstrated the effectiveness of bupropion on the HDRS total score, HDRS item 1, the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale, the CGI severity score, and the CGI improvement score. In a longer-term study, outpatients meeting DSM-IV criteria for major depressive disorder, recurrent type, who had responded during an 8-week open trial on bupropion (150 mg twice daily of the sustained-release formulation) were randomized to continuation of their same dose of bupropion or placebo, for up to 44 weeks of observation for relapse. Response during the open phase was defined as CGI Improvement score of 1 (very much improved) or 2 (much improved) for each of the final 3 weeks. Relapse during the double-blind phase was defined as the investigator’s judgment that drug treatment was needed for worsening depressive symptoms. Patients receiving continued bupropion treatment experienced significantly lower relapse rates over the subsequent 44 weeks compared to those receiving placebo. Although there are no independent trials demonstrating the antidepressant effectiveness of bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL), studies have demonstrated similar bioavailability of bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) to both the immediate-release formulation and to the sustained-release formulation of bupropion under steady-state conditions, i.e., bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) 300 mg once daily was shown to have bioavailability that was similar to that of 100 mg 3 times daily of the immediate-release formulation of bupropion and to that of 150 mg 2 times daily of the sustained-release formulation of bupropion, with regard to both peak plasma concentration and extent of absorption, for parent drug and metabolites. Seasonal Affective Disorder: The efficacy of bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) for the prevention of seasonal major depressive episodes associated with seasonal affective disorder was established in 3 double-blind, placebo-controlled trials in adult outpatients with a history of major depressive disorder with an autumn-winter seasonal pattern (as defined by DSM-IV criteria). Treatment was initiated prior to the onset of symptoms in the autumn (September to November) and was discontinued following a 2 week taper that began the first week of spring (fourth week of March), resulting in a treatment duration of approximately 4 to 6 months for the majority of patients. At the start of the study, patients were randomized to receive placebo or bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) 150 mg once daily for 1 week, followed by up-titration to 300 mg once daily. Patients who were deemed by the investigator to be unlikely or unable to tolerate 300 mg once daily were allowed to remain on, or had their dose reduced to, 150 mg once daily. The mean doses of bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) in the 3 studies ranged from 257 to 280 mg/day. In these 3 trials, the percentage of patients who were depression-free at the end of treatment was significantly higher for bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) than for placebo: 81.4% vs 69.7%, 87.2% vs 78.7%, and 84.0% vs 69.0% for Study 1, 2 and 3, respectively; with a depression-free rate for the 3 studies combined of 84.3% vs 72.0%.


Bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets USP (XL) 150 mg, are white to off-white, round, tablets printed with “A101”. They are supplied as follow: Bottles of 30 NDC # 10370-101-03 Bottles of 60 NDC # 10370-101-06 Bottles of 90 NDC # 10370-101-09 Bottles of 500 NDC # 10370-101-50 Bottles of 1000 NDC # 10370-101-00 Bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets USP (XL) 300 mg, are white to off-white, round, tablets printed with “A102”. They are supplied as follow: Bottles of 30 NDC # 10370-102-03 Bottles of 60 NDC # 10370-102-06 Bottles of 90 NDC # 10370-102-09 Bottles of 500 NDC # 10370-102-50 Bottles of 1000 NDC # 10370-102-00 Store at 20-25°C (68-77°F) [see USP Controlled Room Temperature]. *The following are registered trademarks of their respective manufacturers: WELLBUTRIN® and WELLBUTRIN XL®/GlaxoSmithKline; ZYBAN®/GlaxoSmithKline; PARNATE®/GlaxoSmithKline; NARDIL®/Warner Lambert Company; MARPLAN®/Validus Pharmaceuticals LLC; KALETRA®/Abbott Laboratories. PHARMACIST-DETACH HERE AND GIVE MEDICATION GUIDE TO PATIENT————————————————————————– MEDICATION GUIDE Bupropion Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets USP (XL) Read this Medication Guide carefully before you start using bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) and each time you get a refill. There may be new information. This information does not take the place of talking with your doctor about your medical condition or your treatment. If you have any questions about bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL), ask your doctor or pharmacist. IMPORTANT: Be sure to read the three sections of this Medication Guide. The first section is about the risk of suicidal thoughts and actions with antidepressant medicines; the second section is about the risk of changes in thinking and behavior, depression and suicidal thoughts or actions with medicines used to quit smoking; and the third section is entitled “ What Other Important Information Should I Know About Bupropion Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets (XL) ?” Antidepressant Medicines, Depression and Other Serious Mental Illnesses, and Suicidal Thoughts or Actions This section of the Medication Guide is only about the risk of suicidal thoughts and actions with antidepressant medicines. Talk to your doctor, or your family member’s, healthcare provider about: all risks and benefits of treatment with antidepressant medicines all treatment choices for depression or other serious mental illness What is the most important information I should know about antidepressant medicines, depression and other serious mental illnesses, and suicidal thoughts or actions? Antidepressant medicines may increase suicidal thoughts or actions in some children, teenagers, and young adults within the first few months of treatment. Depression and other serious mental illnesses are the most important causes of suicidal thoughts and actions. Some people may have a particularly high risk of having suicidal thoughts or actions. These include people who have (or have a family history of) bipolar illness (also called manic-depressive illness) or suicidal thoughts or actions. How can I watch for and try to prevent suicidal thoughts and actions in myself or a family member? Pay close attention to any changes, especially sudden changes, in mood, behaviors, thoughts, or feelings. This is very important when an antidepressant medicine is started or when the dose is changed. Call the healthcare provider right away to report new or sudden changes in mood, behavior, thoughts, or feelings. Keep all follow-up visits with the healthcare provider as scheduled. Call the healthcare provider between visits as needed, especially if you have concerns about symptoms. Call a healthcare provider right away if you or your family member has any of the following symptoms, especially if they are new, worse, or worry you: thoughts about suicide or dying trouble sleeping (insomnia) attempts to commit suicide new or worse irritability new or worse depression acting aggressive, being angry, or violent new or worse anxiety acting on dangerous impulses feeling very agitated or restless an extreme increase in activity and talking (mania) panic attacks other unusual changes in behavior or mood What else do I need to know about antidepressant medicines? Never stop an antidepressant medicine without first talking to a healthcare provider. Stopping an antidepressant medicine suddenly can cause other symptoms. Antidepressants are medicines used to treat depression and other illnesses. It is important to discuss all the risks of treating depression and also the risks of not treating it. Patients and their families or other caregivers should discuss all treatment choices with the healthcare provider, not just the use of antidepressants. Antidepressant medicines have other side effects. Talk to the healthcare provider about the side effects of the medicine prescribed for you or your family member. Antidepressant medicines can interact with other medicines. Know all of the medicines that you or your family member takes. Keep a list of all medicines to show the healthcare provider. Do not start new medicines without first checking with your healthcare provider. Not all antidepressant medicines prescribed for children are FDA approved for use in children. Talk to your child’s healthcare provider for more information. Bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) have not been studied in children under the age of 18 and is not approved for use in children and teenagers. Quitting Smoking, Quit-Smoking Medications, Changes in Thinking and Behavior, Depression, and Suicidal Thoughts or Actions This section of the Medication Guide is only about the risk of changes in thinking and behavior, depression and suicidal thoughts or actions with drugs used to quit smoking. Although bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) are not a treatment for quitting smoking, it contains the same active ingredient (bupropion hydrochloride) as ZYBAN® which is used to help patients quit smoking. Some people have had changes in behavior, hostility, agitation, depression, suicidal thoughts or actions while taking bupropion to help them quit smoking. These symptoms can develop during treatment with bupropion or after stopping treatment with bupropion. If you, your family member, or your caregiver notice agitation, hostility, depression, or changes in thinking or behavior that are not typical for you, or you have any of the following symptoms, stop taking bupropion and call your healthcare provider right away: ∙thoughts about suicide or dying ∙an extreme increase in activity and talking (mania) ∙attempts to commit suicide ∙abnormal thoughts or sensations ∙new or worse depression ∙seeing or hearing things that are not there (hallucinations) ∙new or worse anxiety ∙feeling people are against you (paranoia) ∙panic attacks ∙feeling confused ∙feeling very agitated or restless ∙other unusual changes in behavior or mood ∙acting aggressive, being angry, or violent ∙acting on dangerous impulses When you try to quit smoking, with or without bupropion, you may have symptoms that may be due to nicotine withdrawal, including urge to smoke, depressed mood, trouble sleeping, irritability, frustration, anger, feeling anxious, difficulty concentrating, restlessness, decreased heart rate, and increased appetite or weight gain. Some people have even experienced suicidal thoughts when trying to quit smoking without medication. Sometimes quitting smoking can lead to worsening of mental health problems that you already have, such as depression. Before taking bupropion, tell your healthcare provider if you have ever had depression or other mental illnesses. You should also tell your doctor about any symptoms you had during other times you tried to quit smoking, with or without bupropion. What Other Important Information Should I Know About Bupropion Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets (XL)? Seizures: There is a chance of having a seizure (convulsion, fit) with bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL), especially in people: with certain medical problems. who take certain medicines.The chance of having seizures increases with higher doses of bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL). For more information, see the sections “Who should not take bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL)?” and “What should I tell my doctor before using bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL)?” Tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions and all the medicines you take. Do not take any other medicines while you are using bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) unless your doctor has said it is okay to take them. If you have a seizure while taking bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL), stop taking the tablets and call your doctor right away. Do not take bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) again if you have a seizure. High blood pressure (hypertension). Some people get high blood pressure, that can be severe, while taking bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL). The chance of high blood pressure may be higher if you also use nicotine replacement therapy (such as a nicotine patch) to help you stop smoking. Severe allergic reactions. Some people have severe allergic reactions to bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL). Stop taking bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) and call your doctor right away if you get a rash, itching, hives, fever, swollen lymph glands, painful sores in the mouth or around the eyes, swelling of the lips or tongue, chest pain, or have trouble breathing. These could be signs of a serious allergic reaction. Unusual thoughts or behaviors. Some patients have unusual thoughts or behaviors while taking bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL), including delusions (believe you are someone else), hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that are not there), paranoia (feeling that people are against you), or feeling confused. If this happens to you, call your doctor. What are bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL)? Bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) are a prescription medicine used to treat adults with a certain type of depression called major depressive disorder and for prevention of autumn-winter seasonal depression (seasonal affective disorder). Who should not take bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL)? Do not take bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) if you: have or had a seizure disorder or epilepsy. are taking ZYBAN® * (used to help people stop smoking) or any other medicines that contain bupropion hydrochloride, such as WELLBUTRIN® * (bupropion hydrochloride tablets) or WELLBUTRIN SR® (bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (SR)). Bupropion is the same active ingredient that is in bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL). drink a lot of alcohol and abruptly stop drinking, or use medicines called sedatives (these make you sleepy) or benzodiazepines and you stop using them all of a sudden. have taken within the last 14 days medicine for depression called a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI), such as NARDIL®*(phenelzine sulfate), PARNATE®*(tranylcypromine sulfate), or MARPLAN®*(isocarboxazid). have or had an eating disorder such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia. are allergic to the active ingredient in bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL), bupropion, or to any of the inactive ingredients. See the end of this leaflet for a complete list of ingredients in bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL). What should I tell my doctor before using bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL)? Tell your doctor if you have ever had depression, suicidal thoughts or actions, or other mental health problems. See “Antidepressant Medicines, Depression and Other Serious Mental Illnesses, and Suicidal Thoughts or Actions.” Tell your doctor about your other medical conditions including if you: are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. It is not known if bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) can harm your unborn baby. are breastfeeding. Bupropion hydrochloride passes through your milk. It is not known if bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) can harm your baby. have liver problems, especially cirrhosis of the liver. have kidney problems. have an eating disorder such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia. have had a head injury. have had a seizure (convulsion, fit). have a tumor in your nervous system (brain or spine). have had a heart attack, heart problems, or high blood pressure. are a diabetic taking insulin or other medicines to control your blood sugar. drink a lot of alcohol. abuse prescription medicines or street drugs. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, including prescription and nonprescription medicines, vitamins and herbal supplements. Many medicines increase your chances of having seizures or other serious side effects if you take them while you are using bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL). How should I take bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL)? Take bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Do not chew, cut, or crush bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL). If you do, the medicine will be released into your body too quickly. If this happens you may be more likely to get side effects including seizures. You must swallow the tablets whole. Tell your doctor if you cannot swallow medicine tablets. Take bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) at the same time each day. Take your doses of bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) at least 24 hours apart. You may take bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) with or without food. If you miss a dose, do not take an extra tablet to make up for the dose you forgot. Wait and take your next tablet at the regular time. This is very important. Too much bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) can increase your chance of having a seizure. If you take too much bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL), or overdose, call your local emergency room or poison control center right away. The bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablet (XL) is covered by a shell that slowly releases the medicine inside your body. You may notice something in your stool that looks like a tablet. This is normal. This is the empty shell passing from your body. Do not take any other medicines while using bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) unless your doctor has told you it is okay. If you are taking bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) for the treatment of major depressive disorder, it may take several weeks for you to feel that bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) are working. Once you feel better, it is important to keep taking bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) exactly as directed by your doctor. Call your doctor if you do not feel bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) are working for you. If you are taking bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) for the prevention of seasonal major depressive episodes associated with seasonal affective disorder, it is important to keep taking bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) through the autumn-winter season, or as directed by your doctor. Do not change your dose or stop taking bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) without talking with your doctor first. What should I avoid while taking bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL)? Do not drink a lot of alcohol while taking bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL). If you usually drink a lot of alcohol, talk with your doctor before suddenly stopping. If you suddenly stop drinking alcohol, you may increase your chance of having seizures. Do not drive a car or use heavy machinery until you know how bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) affect you. Bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) can impair your ability to perform these tasks. What are possible side effects of bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL)? Bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) can cause serious side effects. Read this entire Medication Guide for more information about these serious side effects. Common side effects reported in studies of major depressive disorder include weight loss, loss of appetite, dry mouth, skin rash, sweating, ringing in the ears, shakiness, stomach pain, agitation, anxiety, dizziness, trouble sleeping, muscle pain, nausea, fast heartbeat, sore throat, and urinating more often. In studies of seasonal affective disorder, common side effects included weight loss, constipation, and gas. If you have nausea, take your medicine with food. If you have trouble sleeping, do not take your medicine too close to bedtime. These are not all the side effects of bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL). For a complete list, ask your doctor or pharmacist. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to Anchen Pharmaceuticals Inc. at 1-888-493-0857 or FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088. How should I store bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL)? Store bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) at room temperature. Store out of direct sunlight. Keep bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) in its tightly closed bottle. Bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) may have an odor. General Information about bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL). Medicines are sometimes prescribed for purposes other than those listed in a Medication Guide. Do not use bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) for a condition for which it was not prescribed. Do not give bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) to other people, even if they have the same symptoms you have. It may harm them. Keep bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) out of the reach of children. If you take a urine drug screening test, bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) may make the test result positive for amphetamines. If you tell the person giving you the drug screening test that you are taking bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL), they can do a more specific drug screening test that should not have this problem. This Medication Guide summarizes important information about bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL). For more information, talk with your doctor. You can ask your doctor or pharmacist for information about bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) that is written for health professionals. What are the ingredients in bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL)? Active ingredient: bupropion hydrochloride. Inactive ingredients: dehydrated alcohol, ethylcellulose, hydrochloric acid, hydroxypropylcellulose, methacrylic acid copolymer, povidone, silicon dioxide, hydrogenated vegetable oil and ethyl alcohol. The tablets are printed with edible black ink. *The following are registered trademarks of their respective manufacturers: WELLBUTRIN® and WELLBUTRIN XL®/GlaxoSmithKline; ZYBAN®/GlaxoSmithKline; PARNATE®/GlaxoSmithKline; NARDIL®/Warner Lambert Company; MARPLAN®/Validus Pharmaceuticals LLC; KALETRA®/Abbott Laboratories. This Medication Guide has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Rx only Manufactured by: Anchen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Irvine, CA 92618 08/11


Geriatric Use: Of the approximately 6,000 patients who participated in clinical trials with bupropion sustained-release tablets (depression and smoking cessation studies), 275 were ≥65 years old and 47 were ≥75 years old. In addition, several hundred patients 65 and over participated in clinical trials using the immediate-release formulation of bupropion (depression studies). No overall differences in safety or effectiveness were observed between these subjects and younger subjects. Reported clinical experience has not identified differences in responses between the elderly and younger patients, but greater sensitivity of some older individuals cannot be ruled out. A single-dose pharmacokinetic study demonstrated that the disposition of bupropion and its metabolites in elderly subjects was similar to that of younger subjects; however, another pharmacokinetic study, single and multiple dose, has suggested that the elderly are at increased risk for accumulation of bupropion and its metabolites (see CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY ). Bupropion is extensively metabolized in the liver to active metabolites, which are further metabolized and excreted by the kidneys. The risk of toxic reaction to this drug may be greater in patients with impaired renal function. Because elderly patients are more likely to have decreased renal function, care should be taken in dose selection, and it may be useful to monitor renal function (see PRECAUTIONS: Renal Impairment and DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION ).


Major Depressive Disorder: Bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) are indicated for the treatment of major depressive disorder. The efficacy of bupropion in the treatment of a major depressive episode was established in two 4-week controlled trials of inpatients and in one 6-week controlled trial of outpatients whose diagnoses corresponded most closely to the Major Depression category of the APA Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) (see CLINICAL TRIALS ). A major depressive episode (DSM-IV) implies the presence of 1) depressed mood or 2) loss of interest or pleasure; in addition, at least 5 of the following symptoms have been present during the same 2-week period and represent a change from previous functioning: depressed mood, markedly diminished interest or pleasure in usual activities, significant change in weight and/or appetite, insomnia or hypersomnia, psychomotor agitation or retardation, increased fatigue, feelings of guilt or worthlessness, slowed thinking or impaired concentration, a suicide attempt, or suicidal ideation. The efficacy of bupropion in maintaining an antidepressant response for up to 44 weeks following 8 weeks of acute treatment was demonstrated in a placebo-controlled trial with the sustained-release formulation of bupropion (see CLINICAL TRIALS ). Nevertheless, the physician who elects to use bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) for extended periods should periodically reevaluate the long-term usefulness of the drug for the individual patient. Seasonal Affective Disorder: Bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) are indicated for the prevention of seasonal major depressive episodes in patients with a diagnosis of seasonal affective disorder. The efficacy of bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) for the prevention of seasonal major depressive episodes was established in 3 controlled trials of adult outpatients with a history of major depressive disorder with an autumn-winter seasonal pattern as defined by Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV) criteria (see CLINICAL TRIALS ). Seasonal affective disorder is characterized by recurrent major depressive episodes, most commonly occurring during the autumn and/or winter months. Episodes may last up to 6 months in duration, typically beginning in the autumn and remitting in the springtime. Although patients with seasonal affective disorder may have depressive episodes during other times of the year, the diagnosis of seasonal affective disorder requires that the number of seasonal episodes substantially outnumber the number of non-seasonal episodes during the individual’s lifetime.


Pediatric Use: Safety and effectiveness in the pediatric population have not been established (see BOX WARNING and WARNINGS: Clinical Worsening and Suicide Risk in Treating Psychiatric Disorders ). Anyone considering the use of bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) in a child or adolescent must balance the potential risks with the clinical need.


Pregnancy: Teratogenic Effects: Pregnancy Category C. In studies conducted in rats and rabbits, bupropion was administered orally at doses up to 450 and 150 mg/kg/day, respectively (approximately 11 and 7 times the maximum recommended human dose [MRHD], respectively, on a mg/m2 basis), during the period of organogenesis. No clear evidence of teratogenic activity was found in either species; however, in rabbits, slightly increased incidences of fetal malformations and skeletal variations were observed at the lowest dose tested (25 mg/kg/day, approximately equal to the MRHD on a mg/m2 basis) and greater. Decreased fetal weights were seen at 50 mg/kg and greater. When rats were administered bupropion at oral doses of up to 300 mg/kg/day (approximately 7 times the MRHD on a mg/m2 basis) prior to mating and throughout pregnancy and lactation, there were no apparent adverse effects on offspring development. One study has been conducted in pregnant women. This retrospective, managed-care database study assessed the risk of congenital malformations overall, and cardiovascular malformations specifically, following exposure to bupropion in the first trimester compared to the risk of these malformations following exposure to other antidepressants in the first trimester and bupropion outside of the first trimester. This study included 7,005 infants with antidepressant exposure during pregnancy, 1,213 of whom were exposed to bupropion in the first trimester. The study showed no greater risk for congenital malformations overall or cardiovascular malformations specifically, following first trimester bupropion exposure compared to exposure to all other antidepressants in the first trimester, or bupropion outside of the first trimester. The results of this study have not been corroborated. Bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus.


Nursing Mothers: Like many other drugs, bupropion and its metabolites are secreted in human milk. Because of the potential for serious adverse reactions in nursing infants from bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL), a decision should be made whether to discontinue nursing or to discontinue the drug, taking into account the importance of the drug to the mother.


WARNING Suicidality and Antidepressant Drugs Use in Treating Psychiatric Disorders: Antidepressants increased the risk compared to placebo of suicidal thinking and behavior (suicidality) in children, adolescents, and young adults in short-term studies of major depressive disorder (MDD) and other psychiatric disorders. Anyone considering the use of bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) or any other antidepressant in a child, adolescent, or young adult must balance this risk with the clinical need. Short-term studies did not show an increase in the risk of suicidality with antidepressants compared to placebo in adults beyond age 24; there was a reduction in risk with antidepressants compared to placebo in adults aged 65 and older. Depression and certain other psychiatric disorders are themselves associated with increases in the risk of suicide. Patients of all ages who are started on antidepressant therapy should be monitored appropriately and observed closely for clinical worsening, suicidality, or unusual changes in behavior. Families and caregivers should be advised of the need for close observation and communication with the prescriber. Bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) are not approved for use in pediatric patients. (See WARNINGS: Clinical Worsening and Suicide Risk in Treating Psychiatric Disorders, PRECAUTIONS: Information for Patients, and PRECAUTIONS: Pediatric Use.) Use in Smoking Cessation Treatment : WELLBUTRIN® (bupropion hydrochloride tablets), WELLBUTRIN SR® (bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (SR)), and bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) are not approved for smoking cessation treatment, but bupropion under the name ZYBAN® is approved for this use. Serious neuropsychiatric events, including but not limited to depression, suicidal ideation, suicide attempt, and completed suicide have been reported in patients taking bupropion for smoking cessation. Some cases may have been complicated by the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal in patients who stopped smoking. Depressed mood may be a symptom of nicotine withdrawal. Depression, rarely including suicidal ideation, has been reported in smokers undergoing a smoking cessation attempt without medication. However, some of these symptoms have occurred in patients taking bupropion who continued to smoke. All patients treated with Bupropion for smoking cessation treatment should be observed for neuropsychiatric symptoms including changes in behavior, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, and suicide-related events, including ideation, behavior, and attempted suicide. These symptoms, as well as worsening of pre-existing psychiatric illness and completed suicide have been reported in some patients attempting to quit smoking while taking ZYBAN® in the post-marketing experience. When symptoms were reported, most were during treatment with ZYBAN®, but some were following discontinuation of treatment with ZYBAN®. These events have occurred in patients with and without pre-existing psychiatric disease; some have experienced worsening of their psychiatric illnesses. Patients with serious psychiatric illness such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder did not participate in the pre-marketing studies of ZYBAN®. Advise patients and caregivers that the patient using bupropion for smoking cessation should stop taking bupropion and contact a healthcare provider immediately if agitation, hostility, depressed mood, or changes in thinking or behavior that are not typical for the patient are observed, or if the patient develops suicidal ideation or suicidal behavior. In many post-marketing cases, resolution of symptoms after discontinuation of ZYBAN® was reported, although in some cases the symptoms persisted; therefore, ongoing monitoring and supportive care should be provided until symptoms resolve. The risks of using bupropion for smoking cessation should be weighed against the benefits of its use. ZYBAN® has been demonstrated to increase the likelihood of abstinence from smoking for as long as six months compared to treatment with placebo. The health benefits of quitting smoking are immediate and substantial. (See WARNINGS: Neuropsychiatric Symptoms and Suicide Risk in Smoking Cessation Treatment and PRECAUTIONS: Information for Patients .)


Information for Patients: Prescribers or other health professionals should inform patients, their families, and their caregivers about the benefits and risks associated with treatment with bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) and should counsel them in its appropriate use. A patient Medication Guide about “Antidepressant Medicines, Depression and Other Serious Mental Illnesses, and Suicidal Thoughts or Actions”, “Quitting Smoking, Quit-Smoking Medication, Changes in Thinking and Behavior, Depression, and Suicidal Thoughts or Actions”, and “What Other Important Information Should I Know About Bupropion Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets (XL)?” is available for bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL). The prescriber or health professional should instruct patients, their families, and their caregivers to read the Medication Guide and should assist them in understanding its contents. Patients should be given the opportunity to discuss the contents of the Medication Guide and to obtain answers to any questions they may have. The complete text of the Medication Guide is reprinted at the end of this document. Patients should be advised of the following issues and asked to alert their prescriber if these occur while taking bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL). Clinical Worsening and Suicide Risk in Treating Psychiatric Disorders: Patients, their families, and their caregivers should be encouraged to be alert to the emergence of anxiety, agitation, panic attacks, insomnia, irritability, hostility, aggressiveness, impulsivity, akathisia (psychomotor restlessness), hypomania, mania, other unusual changes in behavior, worsening of depression, and suicidal ideation, especially early during antidepressant treatment and when the dose is adjusted up or down. Families and caregivers of patients should be advised to look for the emergence of such symptoms on a day-to-day basis, since changes may be abrupt. Such symptoms should be reported to the patient’s prescriber or health professional, especially if they are severe, abrupt in onset, or were not part of the patient’s presenting symptoms. Symptoms such as these may be associated with an increased risk for suicidal thinking and behavior and indicate a need for very close monitoring and possibly changes in the medication. Neuropsychiatric Symptoms and Suicide Risk in Smoking Cessation Treatment: Although bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) are not indicated for smoking cessation treatment, it contains the same active ingredient as ZYBAN® which is approved for this use. Patients should be informed that quitting smoking, with or without ZYBAN®, may be associated with nicotine withdrawal symptoms (including depression or agitation), or exacerbation of pre-existing psychiatric illness. Furthermore, some patients have experienced changes in mood (including depression and mania), psychosis, hallucinations, paranoia, delusions, homicidal ideation, aggression, anxiety, and panic, as well as suicidal ideation, suicide attempt and completed suicide when attempting to quit smoking while taking ZYBAN®. If patients develop agitation, hostility, depressed mood, or changes in thinking or behavior that are not typical for them, or if patients develop suicidal ideation or behavior, they should be urged to report these symptoms to their healthcare provider immediately. Bupropion-Containing Products: Patients should be made aware that bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) contain the same active ingredient found in ZYBAN®, used as an aid to smoking cessation treatment, and that bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) should not be used in combination with ZYBAN® or any other medications that contain bupropion hydrochloride (such as the WELLBUTRIN SR® (bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets), the sustained-release formulation, and WELLBUTRIN® (bupropion hydrochloride tablets), the immediate-release formulation). Patients should be told that bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) should be discontinued and not restarted if they experience a seizure while on treatment. Patients should be told that any CNS-active drug like bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) may impair their ability to perform tasks requiring judgment or motor and cognitive skills. Consequently, until they are reasonably certain that bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) do not adversely affect their performance, they should refrain from driving an automobile or operating complex, hazardous machinery. Patients should be told that the excessive use or abrupt discontinuation of alcohol or sedatives (including benzodiazepines) may alter the seizure threshold. Some patients have reported lower alcohol tolerance during treatment with bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL). Patients should be advised that the consumption of alcohol should be minimized or avoided. Patients should be advised to inform their physicians if they are taking or plan to take any prescription or over-the-counter drugs. Concern is warranted because bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) and other drugs may affect each other’s metabolism. Patients should be advised to notify their physicians if they become pregnant or intend to become pregnant during therapy. Patients should be advised to swallow bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) whole so that the release rate is not altered. Do not chew, divide, or crush tablets, as this may lead to an increased risk of adverse effects, including seizures. Patients should be advised that they may notice in their stool something that looks like a tablet. This is normal. The medication in bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) is contained in a non-absorbable shell that has been specially designed to slowly release drug in the body. When this process is completed, the empty shell is eliminated from the body.


General Dosing Considerations: It is particularly important to administer bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) in a manner most likely to minimize the risk of seizure (see WARNINGS). Gradual escalation in dosage is also important if agitation, motor restlessness, and insomnia, often seen during the initial days of treatment, are to be minimized. If necessary, these effects may be managed by temporary reduction of dose or the short-term administration of an intermediate to long-acting sedative hypnotic. A sedative hypnotic usually is not required beyond the first week of treatment. Insomnia may also be minimized by avoiding bedtime doses. If distressing, untoward effects supervene, dose escalation should be stopped. Bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) should be swallowed whole and not crushed, divided, or chewed, as this may lead to an increased risk of adverse effects including seizures. Bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) may be taken without regard to meals. Major Depressive Disorder: Initial Treatment: The usual adult target dose for bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) is 300 mg/day, given once daily in the morning. Dosing with bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) should begin at 150 mg/day given as a single daily dose in the morning. If the 150-mg initial dose is adequately tolerated, an increase to the 300-mg/day target dose, given as once daily, may be made as early as day 4 of dosing. There should be an interval of at least 24 hours between successive doses. Increasing the Dosage Above 300 mg/day: As with other antidepressants, the full antidepressant effect of bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) may not be evident until 4 weeks of treatment or longer. An increase in dosage to the maximum of 450 mg/day, given as a single dose, may be considered for patients in whom no clinical improvement is noted after several weeks of treatment at 300 mg/day. Maintenance Treatment: It is generally agreed that acute episodes of depression require several months or longer of sustained pharmacological therapy beyond response to the acute episode. It is unknown whether or not the dose of bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) needed for maintenance treatment is identical to the dose needed to achieve an initial response. Patients should be periodically reassessed to determine the need for maintenance treatment and the appropriate dose for such treatment. Seasonal Affective Disorder: For the prevention of seasonal major depressive episodes associated with seasonal affective disorder, bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) should generally be initiated in the autumn prior to the onset of depressive symptoms. Treatment should continue through the winter season and should be tapered and discontinued in early spring. The timing of initiation and duration of treatment should be individualized based on the patient’s historical pattern of seasonal major depressive episodes. Patients whose seasonal depressive episodes are infrequent or not associated with significant impairment should not generally be treated prophylactically. Dosing with bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) should begin at 150 mg/day given as a single daily dose in the morning. If the 150-mg initial dose is adequately tolerated, the dose of bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) should be increased to the 300-mg/day dose after 1 week. If the 300-mg dose is not adequately tolerated, the dose can be reduced to 150 mg/day. The usual adult target dose for bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) is 300 mg/day, given once daily in the morning. For patients taking 300 mg/day during the autumn-winter season, the dose should be tapered to 150 mg/day for 2 weeks prior to discontinuation. Doses of bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) above 300 mg/day have not been studied for the prevention of seasonal major depressive episodes. Switching Patients from WELLBUTRIN ® Tablets (bupropion hydrochloride tablets) or from WELLBUTRIN SR ® Sustained-Release Tablets (bupropion hydrochloride extended release tablets (SR)): When switching patients from WELLBUTRIN® Tablets (bupropion hydrochloride tablets) to bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL), or from WELLBUTRIN SR® Sustained-Release Tablets (bupropion hydrochloride extended release tablets (SR)) to bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL), give the same total daily dose when possible. Patients who are currently being treated with WELLBUTRIN® Tablets (bupropion hydrochloride tablets) at 300 mg/day (for example, 100 mg 3 times a day) may be switched to bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) 300 mg once daily. Patients who are currently treated with WELLBUTRIN SR® Sustained-Release Tablets (bupropion hydrochloride extended release tablets (SR)) at 300 mg/day (for example, 150 mg twice daily) may be switched to bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) 300 mg once daily. Dosage Adjustment for Patients With Impaired Hepatic Function: Bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) should be used with extreme caution in patients with severe hepatic cirrhosis. The dose should not exceed 150 mg every other day in these patients. Bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) should be used with caution in patients with hepatic impairment (including mild to moderate hepatic cirrhosis) and a reduced frequency and/or dose should be considered in patients with mild to moderate hepatic cirrhosis (see CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY , WARNINGS , and PRECAUTIONS ). Dosage Adjustment for Patients With Impaired Renal Function: Bupropion hydrochloride extended-release tablets (XL) should be used with caution in patients with renal impairment and a reduced frequency and/or dose should be considered (see CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY and PRECAUTIONS ).