benztropine mesylate 1 MG Oral Tablet


Safe use in pregnancy has not been established.

Benztropine mesylate may impair mental and/or physical abilities required for performance of hazardous tasks, such as operating machinery or driving a motor vehicle.

When this drug is given concomitantly with phenothiazines, haloperidol, or other drugs with anticholinergic or antidopaminergic activity, patients should be advised to report gastrointestinal complaints, fever or heat intolerance promptly.

Paralytic ileus, hyperthermia and heat stroke, all of which have sometimes been fatal, have occurred in patients taking anticholinergic-type antiparkinsonism drugs, including benztropine mesylate, in combination with phenothiazines and/or tricyclic antidepressants.

Since benztropine mesylate contains structural features of atropine, it may produce anhidrosis.

For this reason, it should be administered with caution during hot weather, especially when given concomitantly with other atropine-like drugs to the chronically ill, the alcoholic, those who have central nervous system disease, and those who do manual labor in a hot environment.

Anhidrosis may occur more readily when some disturbance of sweating already exists.

If there is evidence of anhidrosis, the possibility of hyperthermia should be considered.

Dosage should be decreased at the discretion of the physician so that the ability to maintain body heat equilibrium by perspiration is not impaired.

Severe anhidrosis and fatal hyperthermia have occurred.


Manifestations May be any of those seen in atropine poisoning or antihistamine overdosage: CNS depression, preceded or followed by stimulation; confusion; nervousness; listlessness; intensification of mental symptoms or toxic psychosis in patients with mental illness being treated with neuroleptic drugs (e.g., phenothiazines); hallucinations (especially visual); dizziness; muscle weakness; ataxia; dry mouth; mydriasis; blurred vision; palpitations; tachycardia; elevated blood pressure; nausea; vomiting; dysuria; numbness of fingers; dysphagia; allergic reactions, e.g., skin rash; headache; hot, dry, flushed skin; delirium; coma; shock; convulsions; respiratory arrest; anhidrosis; hyperthermia; glaucoma; constipation.

Treatment Physostigmine salicylate, 1 to 2 mg, SC or IV, reportedly will reverse symptoms of anticholinergic intoxication.

*A second injection may be given after 2 hours if required.

Otherwise treatment is symptomatic and supportive.

Induce emesis or perform gastric lavage (contraindicated in precomatose, convulsive, or psychotic states).

Maintain respiration.

A short-acting barbiturate may be used for CNS excitement, but with caution to avoid subsequent depression; supportive care for depression (avoid convulsant stimulants such as picrotoxin, pentylenetetrazol, or bemegride); artificial respiration for severe respiratory depression; a local miotic for mydriasis and cycloplegia; ice bags or other cold applications and alcohol sponges for hyperpyrexia, a vasopressor and fluids for circulatory collapse.

Darken room for photophobia.


Benztropine Mesylate is a synthetic compound resulting from the combination of the active portions of atropine and diphenhydramine.

It is a crystalline white powder, very soluble in water.

Chemically it is 3α-(diphenylmethoxy) 1αH, 5αH-tropane methane-sulfonate.

Structural Formula: C 21 H 25 NO•CH 4 O 3 S Molecular Weight: 403.54 These orally administered tablets are supplied in three strengths (0.5 mg, 1 mg, and 2 mg per tablet).

Inactive ingredients are anhydrous lactose, microcrystalline cellulose, colloidal silicon dioxide, sodium starch glycolate, magnesium stearate.

chemical structure


Benztropine Mesylate Tablets, USP are available as: 0.5 mg: White, round, flat-faced, beveled edge, scored tablet.

Debossed with stylized b over 1114 on one side and bisected on the other side.

1 mg: White, oval shaped, scored tablet.

Debossed with stylized b over 1115 on one side and bisected on the other side.

2 mg: White, round, flat-faced, beveled edge, scored tablet.

Debossed with PLIVA 395 on one side and bisected on the other side.

They are supplied by State of Florida DOH Central Pharmacy as follows: NDC Strength Quantity/Form Color Source NDC 53808-0211-1 1 mg 30 TABLET WHITE 50111-394-03 Dispense in a tight, light-resistant container as defined in the USP, with a child-resistant closure (as required).

Store at 20° to 25°C (68° to 77°F) [See USP Controlled Room Temperature].

*(Duvoisin, R.C.; Katz, R.J.; Amer.



206: 1963-1965, Nov.

25, 1968).

TEVA PHARMACEUTICALS USA Sellersville, PA 18960 Repackaged By: State of Florida DOH Central Pharmacy 104-2 Hamilton Park Drive Tallahassee, FL 32304 United States


For use as an adjunct in the therapy of all forms of parkinsonism.

Useful also in the control of extrapyramidal disorders (except tardive dyskinesia – see PRECAUTIONS ) due to neuroleptic drugs (e.g., phenothiazines).


Benztropine Mesylate Tablets should be used when patients are able to take oral medications.

The injection is especially useful for psychotic patients with acute dystonic reactions or other reactions that make oral medication difficult or impossible.

It is recommended also when a more rapid response is desired than can be obtained with the tablets.

Because of cumulative action, therapy should be initiated with a low dose which is increased gradually at five or six-day intervals to the smallest amount necessary for optimal relief.

Increases should be made in increments of 0.5 mg, to a maximum of 6 mg, or until optimal results are obtained without excessive adverse reactions.

Postencephalitic and Idiopathic Parkinsonism The usual daily dose is 1 to 2 mg, with a range of 0.5 to 6 mg orally or parenterally.

As with any agent used in parkinsonism, dosage must be individualized according to age and weight, and the type of parkinsonism being treated.

Generally, older patients, and thin patients cannot tolerate large doses.

Most patients with postencephalitic parkinsonism need fairly large doses and tolerate them well.

Patients with a poor mental outlook are usually poor candidates for therapy.

In idiopathic parkinsonism, therapy may be initiated with a single daily dose of 0.5 to 1 mg at bedtime.

In some patients, this will be adequate; in others 4 to 6 mg a day may be required.

In postencephalitic parkinsonism, therapy may be initiated in most patients with 2 mg a day in one or more doses.

In highly sensitive patients, therapy may be initiated with 0.5 mg at bedtime, and increased as necessary.

Some patients experience greatest relief by taking the entire dose at bedtime; others react more favorably to divided doses, two to four times a day.

Frequently, one dose a day is sufficient, and divided doses may be unnecessary or undesirable.

The long duration of action of this drug makes it particularly suitable for bedtime medication when its effects may last throughout the night, enabling patients to turn in bed during the night more easily, and to rise in the morning.

When benztropine mesylate is started, do not terminate therapy with other antiparkinsonian agents abruptly.

If the other agents are to be reduced or discontinued, it must be done gradually.

Many patients obtain greatest relief with combination therapy.

Benztropine mesylate may be used concomitantly with the combination of carbidopa-levodopa, or with levodopa, in which case periodic dosage adjustment may be required in order to maintain optimum response.

Drug-Induced Extrapyramidal Disorders In treating extrapyramidal disorders due to neuroleptic drugs (e.g., phenothiazines), the recommended dosage is 1 to 4 mg once or twice a day orally or parenterally.

Dosage must be individualized according to the need of the patient.

Some patients require more than recommended; others do not need as much.

In acute dystonic reactions, 1 to 2 mL of the injection usually relieves the condition quickly.

After that, the tablets, 1 to 2 mg twice a day, usually prevent recurrence.

When extrapyramidal disorders develop soon after initiation of treatment with neuroleptic drugs (e.g., phenothiazines), they are likely to be transient.

One to 2 mg of Benztropine Mesylate Tablets two or three times a day usually provides relief within one or two days.

After one or two weeks, the drug should be withdrawn to determine the continued need for it.

If such disorders recur, benztropine mesylate can be reinstituted.

Certain drug-induced extrapyramidal disorders that develop slowly may not respond to benztropine mesylate.